New Hire Spotlight: Catia Pecoraro

New Hire Spotlight: Catia Pecoraro

Bristol Associates is very pleased to announce Catia Pecoraro as the newest addition to the firm’s experienced executive search team.

Catia will be the Vice President of our Hospitality division, joining Sr. Vice President Kelly Nelson in managing searches for hotels and resorts; travel, tourism, and attractions; and facilities and concessions.

“We are really looking forward to Catia utilizing her strong industry background to further service our clients and candidates,” says Kelly Nelson.

Catia brings over 12 years of experience in executive recruitment with an expertise in the hospitality industry. She has worked with some of the most prestigious brands that are recognized around the world. Known for specializing in building world-class teams, Catia inspires her network to do what they love and love what they do.

We asked Catia a series of questions to break the ice.

Q: What led you to your career as a recruiter?
“I grew up around the industry, I was immersed from a very young age as my father has an executive search firm. I remember going to his office after school and wanting to listen to his conversations so I could spend time with him and also so I could learn from him. Recruiting to me isn’t just a career, it’s a lifestyle, and I often say it feels like it’s a part of my DNA. In a very strong way it feels like executive recruitment chose me and the feeling was mutual.”

Q: What are you passionate about?
“Being alive! How lucky are we to have this experience we call life? Having this opportunity to be the artist of my life is what ignites my passion and feeds my energy to continue doing what brings me joy every single day.”

Q: Describe yourself in three words.
“Visionary. Epistemophilic. Worldly.”

Q: How do you describe what you do for a living to family and friends?
“I solve people puzzles. I connect individuals with amazing career opportunities and companies with leaders who will thrive together. I help professionals clarify their visions for their career and life, and I find and build solid and sustainable teams for my clients today and the future.”

Q: What motivates you at work?
“My inner drive and compass and my personal ‘Why’ is what motivates me foremost, and what’s just as significant is my team and our dynamic, our synergy as a whole.”

Q: How do you recharge after a busy day?
“I’ve learned to keep it simple. It’s really about asking myself what I need in that moment and then doing it. Sometimes it’s unplugging completely, spending time with a loved one, cuddling with my pup, meditating with binaural beats, going outside to connect with nature…it’s really just listening to what I need and not questioning it, just doing it.”

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?
“Travel! It’s a very big part of my life because I love experiencing new cultures, cuisines, landscapes, languages and having the opportunity to learn new perspectives while meeting different people. Being in nature too! I feel so fortunate to live in such a gorgeous state with amazing weather year-round. Walking or bike riding with my dog, catching a sunset at the beach, making art while enjoying the sun, and spending time with my loved ones.”

Q: Who inspires you?
“Those who don’t allow their circumstances to define them. I’m inspired daily by people whose name I don’t even know because I look for those moments where magic happens. We all have the capacity to inspire others, it’s really a matter of what we choose to do with it every day.”

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“I was so curious as a kid, I still am, though because of that I wanted to know what all of the adults I knew did for a living and then I would dive into the rabbit hole of learning all I could about it. I changed my mind a lot as a kid because I was constantly learning about a new career and imagining what it would be like if I did that when I grew up. Deep down I always wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and I think being surrounded by the industry I naturally became more curious.”

Q: Over the course of your life, how many cities have you lived in and which was your favorite?
“I’ve traveled a lot over the course of my life and lived in many countries for months at a time, though only 4 cities for a long period of time. My favorite thus far is Venice Beach, CA.”

Q: Where’s your favorite place in the world?
“Just one? Well, how about a region…the Mediterranean, and to be more specific, Sicily and a small island in Greece called Alonnisos. It’s where I feel most home away from home. Being Sicilian might have something to do with it…but regardless, it’s my favorite region in the world.”

Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you?
“I would go with a machete, a photo of the ones I love, and an encyclopedia and/or book that specifically tells me what plants/vegetation life is edible, what plants can be used as medicine and which ones are considered poisonous.”

Q: What kind of music do you like?
“What I listen to depends on what I’m doing or trying to achieve because I utilize it to my advantage whether it’s to stay focused, to feel something, to be creative, whatever it may be, music ignites me. I love so many genres and most recently I find myself listening to music from the 80s yet also listening to a lot of tribal and native genres with strong tones and beats like El Buho. Variety in my music choices is key.”

Q: Do you have any book recommendations?
“The Third Door, Principles, The Mastery of Self, The Artist’s Way”

Q: If you could choose one hobby that now seems out of your reach either financially or time-wise, what hobby would you take up and why?
“I would love to learn how to sing. I love how music can make one feel so much from even just the tone of the artist. I did learn how to play instruments as a young child, though never learned how to use my vocal cords to make music. Maybe I’ll find a vocal coach and let you know how it’s going in a few months time.”

Q: What’s the one piece of advice you would give others about life?
“Everything (in life) is right on time. Always. Find out what you’re good at and focus on ways to become great at it, maximize your strengths and you will fast root your life. No one becomes extraordinary in life being good at everything. Luck and overnight success don’t just happen, it takes clear focus and dedication to your vision and when you work towards it, when you can see the forest through the trees that’s when opportunity presents itself, that’s when synchronicities happen and life evolves. It takes consistency and honoring the journey in knowing that everything, absolutely everything in life is right on time. We don’t get to click our heels and end up in Kansas like Dorothy did from The Wizard of Oz, but when we look back and take in our own journey we can connect the dots of why some things took longer, why some things happened more easily, why some things ended in order for us to find anew…it will all make sense in do time. Just remember, everything in life is right on time.”

We’re happy to have you in our Bristol family, Catia! Please give her a warm welcome by emailing her at, dialing 310-670-0525 ext. 1105, or messaging via LinkedIn.

Bristol Associates, Inc. is an executive search firm with over 50 years of excellence in recruiting nationwide. Bristol specializes in recruiting for the Casino Gaming; Hotels and Resorts; Travel, Tourism, and Attractions; Facilities and Concessions; Food and Beverage Manufacturing; Restaurant; Hospital and Healthcare; and Nonprofit industries.

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